Saturday, June 26, 2010

Breath of Fresh... gifting

Have you ever needed a gift in a hurry, something to take as a kind gesture, a hostess gift, etc...? Here's a simple, inexpensive gift idea.  Pick up a bottle of sparkling lemonade, put a bow on it and... Voila! 
You can find this lemonade at HEB Central Market, Cost Plus, or Hubbell and Hudson.
The bottle is lovely by itself, but some pretty satin ribbon really personalizes it!  

Tip: Check TJ Maxx for similar gifts.  They sometimes carry the sparkling lemonade or something comparable.


  1. So excited that your blogging! :) And great idea with the lemonade...I love creative and unique gift ideas! :)

  2. I like it! Do I detect the "Martha Stewart" anointing? :) Love you!
