Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Breath of Fresh... tuesdays

What is a Tuesday?
Well, it's not Monday... whew.... it's not the middle of the week and it's certainly not the weekend! Tuesday is really the day of the week that is not branded.  Sunday: last day of the weekend or Holy day, Monday: beginning of the week, Wednesday: mid-week, Thursday: end of the week for some and weekend eve for others, Friday: T.G.I.F. Saturday: THE weekend.  That leaves Tuesdays... hmmm.  That LEAVES Tuesdays!!!! What could Tuesday be? Oh the possibilities! Tuesday could become the "try a new coffee flavor" day, "comfy shoe" day, "no negative thoughts" day, "warm smile" day, or even "gaze at the stars" day.  With so many options there really is no reason to settle on one! Let's just call Tuesdays "take a moment" day.

So, get inspired and take a moment today.  After all, it's Tuesday!  


  1. Yeah! Don't let Tuesday be a blues-day!
    Turn your blah into bright!

  2. That's too funny...I, too, branded Tuesdays because every other day was....well, something! Ha ha! Mine on my blog is "Let's Talk! Tuesday"....a post of randomness, getting to know each other a little more personally. Feel free to join in whenever you can! :)
